Chiloschista segawae


Specimen from which DNA was extracted. Photo by David Jarrell

Chiloschista segawae Masam and Fukuy is a leafless epiphyte, a nonparasitic plant that grows on another plant, commonly found growing on tree trunks in the forests of Taiwan. This particular species grows best in humid, well drained media at warm to cool temperatures. The stem of a Chiloschista segawae is usually hidden by its roots that grow to a length of 35 centimeters long. Its blooming season is in the spring and it produces loose hanging clusters of blooms that measure approximately two inches long. The floral dimensions and arrangement are consistent; however, the floral color pattern can range creating variability concerning the appearance of brown spots versus no brown spots, location of the spots, color intensity or a total yellow appearance.

Chiloschista segawae was named by its authorities, Masam and Fukuy in 1938 and it is a member of the subtribe Aeridinae.


One thought on “Chiloschista segawae

  1. Overall, this is a solid post. However, I have a few suggestions.

    Authority: You only need to include the authority after the species name the first time it appears in the post.

    Dimensions: You state the dimensions are predictable. Do you mean consistent? And, if so, what are they? Provide values for the size of the flowers.

    Images: captions are good but I think it would be an improvement if the picture of the extraction specimen was a little larger – more details could be seen.

    References: Create links (chain link button in edit window) of these websites so that readers could follow them and learn more about this species.

Please provide feedback, suggestions, or comments