xdh PCR Results for 4-23 Through 4-33

Michael Page and Latara Janae performed the PCR amplification of extracted DNA 4-23 through 4-33 for the nuclear target region xdh. Following PCR amplification a gel was run to determine the extent of successful amplifications on the DNA. The first lane represents a genetic marker and the second lane is a water control. Results follow.

Figure 1: PCR Results for 4-23 Through 4-33 (xdh)

* Image taken by Dr. Jarrell

Gel Electrophoresis Results: All products had yield with roughly half of the samples having a high yield. Additionally our negative control shows no contamination. As seen in Figure 1, the genetic marker is very clear. Overall, this amplification worked very well.

++ (High Yield)  +  (Yield)  – (No Yield)

Lane DNA Code Species or Marker Success
1 Blank DNA Marker N/A
2 Negative Control Water N/A
3 4–23 DNA +
4 4–24 DNA +
5 4–25 DNA ++
6 4–26 DNA ++
7 4–27 DNA ++
8 4–28 DNA +
9 4–29 DNA ++
10 4–30 DNA ++
11 4–31 DNA ++
12 4–32 DNA ++
13 4–33 DNA ++

Table 1: Gel Electrophoresis Results

One thought on “xdh PCR Results for 4-23 Through 4-33

  1. This post does not currently meet the basic requirements as stated in the related Assignments post. Here a list of the issues I’ve identified:

    1) Categorization: uncheck “uncategorized” and then choose the correct target name (a subcategory under PCR Results) – ONLY choose the target name.

    2) check spelling/grammar: “determe”, for example. Make sure that each phrase separated by a semi-colon is a complete thought.

    3) The gel image should have a caption that starts with “Figure 1: ________” where the blank describe in simple terms what the image is presenting. In addition, the table (which is missing) should have a similarly structure title (Table 1: ______________)

    4) The text should briefly describe the results: variation in yield, appearance of additional products, etc. When referring to specific results, you can use (Figure 1), (Table 1) or both to direct readers where to go to see what you are talking about.

    5) Complete the table as described in the Assignments post.

Please provide feedback, suggestions, or comments